Columbia Journalism School Dean Steve Coll Publishes New Yorker Article

We are pleased to share the recently published New Yorker article "The Jail Health Care Crisis" that was written by Steve Coll, the Dean and Henry R. Luce Professor of Journalism at Columbia Journalism School. The article, about how the opioid epidemic and other public health emergencies are being aggravated by failures in American criminal justice system, is the result of one year of reporting and research that was aided by Columbia Journalism School alums Gabby Landsverk (M.S. Stabile '18) and Alejandra Ibarra Chaoul (M.S. Stabile '17). 

In addition to leading the Columbia Journalism School and publishing articles and books, Dean Coll also teaches courses in the Master of Science Program and the Master of Science, Stabile Investigative Specialization

This spring, Dean Coll is teaching the course "How to Cover Armies and Spies" to Master of Science Program students. The course prepares students to cover militaries and intelligence services, whether in the United States or abroad. It takes a broad approach, understanding security issues to include human rights, migration, and the environment. Students in the course review diverse sourcing strategies, durable story genres, and professional and ethical conundrums on the beat. The intention of the course is to equip students to take on defense, intelligence and related human rights reporting as a subject area for daily reporting, long-form investigation, or as a recurring part of a diversified career, with the understanding that the best sourcing in this field can require years to develop. Each student in Dean Coll's course completes a significant piece of narrative reporting accessible from the United States. Students in his course also undertake a class investigative project in collaboration with a significant news organization.

Dean Coll, a New Yorker staff writer, has a longstanding interest and expertise in reporting about American espionage and diplomacy. The author of 2004's Pulitzer Prize-winning Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Penguin), Dean Coll most recently published the book Directorate S: The CIA and America's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan (Penguin). Directorate S, which painstakingly chronicles America’s post-9/11 efforts to defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, was a finalist for the 2018 National Book Critics Circle Award in Nonfiction and was longlisted for the 2018 National Book Award for Nonfiction.

Please explore our website to learn more about Columbia Journalism School's faculty members, course offerings, and degree programs.

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