Inside Columbia Journalism School: Course Spotlight on "Book Writing"On World Book Day, we are excited to spotlight "Book Writing," a legendary class offered at Columbia Journalism School that teaches students how to develop a successful book project. The class has developed more than 70 authors, editors, and agents, and it has been covered by media outlets such as NPR and Publishers Weekly .The class is taught by Samuel G. Freedman, a Professor of Journalism at Columbia Journalism School who is the author of eight acclaimed books, including Breaking The Line: The Season in Black College Football That Transformed the Game and Changed the Course of Civil Rights and Letters To A Young Journalist. Professor Freedman was named the nation's outstanding journalism educator in 1997 by the Society of Professional Journalists. In 2012, he received Columbia University’s Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching. Professor Freedman's "Book Writing" class teaches students in master's degree programs at Columbia Journalism School to prepare a book proposal, including an overview essay and a sample chapter. Each student enters the class with sufficient material from elsewhere or an idea that can be researched in the New York area. The coursework ranges from intensive study of literary nonfiction and journalistic fiction, with related writing assignments on a weekly basis, to instruction in the techniques of reporting, writing extended narrative and producing a book proposal. Guest speakers from the publishing industry frequently appear in the class. Many alums of the class have gone on to secure agents and publish books from leading publishing houses. As you consider the possibility of furthering your career as a journalist at Columbia, please explore our website to learn more about Columbia Journalism School's faculty members, course offerings, and career development services. If you would like to make an appointment to speak with an admissions counselor or sit in on a class, please email us at