Columbia Journalism School Student and Alums Selected as New York Times Fellows

We are delighted to share the news that three members of the Columbia Journalism School community - Mariel Padilla, Andrea Salcedo, and Sanam Yar -  have been selected to join The New York Times' inaugural class of fellows. Chosen from an extraordinarily competitive pool of applicants, the 2019-20 fellows will embark on a one-year immersive work program at The New York Times that will train them to thrive in future positions at the newspaper and at other publications around the globe.  In the coming years, we anticipate seeing more Columbia Journalism School students and alumni be selected for the Times' fellowship program, where they will continue their development as world-class journalists. 

Mariel Padilla is a 2018 graduate of the Master of Science Program who is currently working as a postgraduate data fellow in the Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism. While a student at Columbia, Padilla won a Pulitzer Prize for her work as part of a team of Cincinnati Enquirer journalists who reported about the city's opioid epidemic.  She will work in the Times' Express section. 

Andrea Salcedo is a Columbia Journalism School student currently completing her degree in the Master of Science Program's Stabile Investigative Specialization. She will work in the Times' Metro section. 

Sanam Yar
is a 2018 graduate of the Master of Science Program who has recently been interning at New York magazine. She will work in the Times' Style section.

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