"We have a conviction that when the world goes haywire, journalists run toward the story. We don't pause, we don't retreat - we work. That's the way we engage in the world...to be there on the frontlines, to do work that matters, to make a contribution to public understanding."
Steve Coll, Dean and Henry R. Luce Professor of Journalism, Columbia Journalism School
Columbia Journalism School is now welcoming applications for the 2021-22 academic year for all of our
degree programs. At this time of historic social, political, environmental, and economic change, we invite you to apply to join the Columbia community and gain the reporting and multimedia skills to tell vital and compelling stories that inform people around the world about the important issues that we face.
Please click
here to begin your 2021-22 application to Columbia's
Master of Science,
Master of Science in Data Journalism,
Master of Arts,
Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science, or
Ph.D. in Communications programs. Please select "
Admission 2021" to apply for admission in the 2021-22 academic year. For information about our application deadlines and requirements, please visit our website
We encourage you to enter your email information
here to begin receiving news from Columbia about upcoming virtual admissions sessions and public events.
At Columbia, a top-tier journalism education can be within financial reach. Please visit our website to learn all about our
scholarship opportunities. Our scholarship application - which is separate from our application for admission - is now open.
As you consider the possibility of furthering your career as a journalist at Columbia, please explore our
website to learn more about Columbia Journalism School's
faculty members,
course offerings, and
career development services.
If you would like to make an appointment to speak with an admissions counselor, please contact us at