Program Spotlight: Columbia's Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science

 "This is definitely a great program if you want to become an engineer. The dual-degree program prepares you to slide into a big journalism organization's research and development department, where they are experimenting with different tools.  You'll have the knowledge of both journalism and computer science, so you'll know that whatever you're creating is going to really help the journalists."
- Aaron Brezel ('20 Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science)

With the application for admission for the 2022-23 academic year now open, Columbia Journalism School is spotlighting its range of degree program opportunities. Today, we are featuring the Dual Master of Science in Journalism and Computer Science, which prepares students for robust opportunities in both fields, including designing and building platforms, algorithms and applications for journalism or pursuing research and development work in computer science related to journalism, natural language processing and the digital humanities.

Please click HERE to watch our admissions webinar, which featured Professor Dhrumil Mehta and 2020 Dual M.S. in Journalism & Computer Science graduates Aaron Brezel and Eugene Joseph

Administered by Columbia Journalism School and the Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science offers the highest caliber of computer science and journalism training at Columbia University. Students enroll for a total of four semesters at the Journalism and Engineering schools, learning the fundamentals of reporting and writing while developing a working background in computer science and software design.  

The two-year program aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of how particular fields of computer science relate to journalism practice. The goal is to train a new generation of computationally literate journalists - or journalistically literate computer scientists - who will redefine journalism as we know it.

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science: 

Who is an ideal applicant for the Dual M.S. in Journalism & Computer Science?

The Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science program seeks applicants with outstanding undergraduate records, including a strong background in computer science, extensive mathematics or engineering training. It is equally important that applicants have excellent writing skills and be interested in learning the fundamentals of reporting. All applicants should be seeking to gain not only skills in computation, but also core journalistic skills in reporting and writing. 

Applications for the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science program are submitted only to the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. The application is available here. To be admitted to the dual-degree program, applicants must be accepted into both the Journalism School and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. 

What is the duration of the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science program, and what does the course schedule look like?

The Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science lasts four semesters (or two full academic years). Students in the program enroll in the same classes offered to all students at the Journalism and Engineering Schools. Their specialized training allows them to develop technical and editorial skills in all aspects of computer‐supported news gathering and digital media production.  

During the second year, students take the Frontiers of Computational Journalism seminar designed specifically for the dual degree program. The seminar uses a hands‐on approach to delve into areas of computer science that have a direct relevance to journalism.

Please see the image below of the current Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science course planner: 

Can working professionals continue in their jobs and take the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science program part-time? 

The Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science is only available as a full-time program. Columbia Journalism School does offer a Part-time M.S. Program in Journalism that offers classes at times that can usually accommodate the schedules of working people. Students in the part-time M.S. Program will not be able to take the computer science-intensive Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science curriculum, but they will have the opportunity to take computational journalism courses offered by Columbia Journalism School. Please click here to learn more about the Part-time M.S.

What are some of the classes that a Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science student can take? 

To explore class options in the Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, please click here. Classes in computer science that are open to dual-degree students include "Introduction to Databases," "Programming Language and Translators," "Artificial Intelligence," "Machine Learning," "Analysis of Algorithms," "Computer Graphics," "Computing and the Humanities," "3D User Interfaces and Augmented Reality," "Operating Systems," "Natural Language Processing," "Computer Vision," "Advanced Software Engineering," "Computational Photography," "Visual Databases," and "Network Security." 

In addition to the computer science-focused curriculum, dual-degree students will have the opportunity to take one fifteen-week seminar at Columbia Journalism School that will allow them to build skills and knowledge in a wide range of journalistic areas. Students can pursue nearly any reporting interest at Columbia. Here is a listing of just some of the course options: "Business Reporting," "Covering Race," "Covering Education,"  "Magazine Writing," "Data," "Multi-platform Storytelling," "Book Writing," "Radio Workshop," "China Seminar," "Covering Conflict," "Literary Journalism," "Human Rights Reporting," "Covering Climate," "Investigating Health Care," "True Crime," "Sports Reporting," "How to Cover Armies and Spies," "Telling Stories in Sound," "Gender and Migration," and "Visual Newsroom." Please click here to learn more about the classes offered to M.S. students at Columbia Journalism School. 

What kinds of work do Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science students produce? 

In the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science Program, faculty and students work together to create technologies that synthesize raw data into relevant content for news organizations to present in an attractive, secure and accessible form for readers. 

With technical and editorial skills in all aspects of computer‐supported news gathering and digital media production, students are be poised to become leaders in digital media production and innovation.

What career services are available for Columbia Journalism School students?

Columbia's Career Development Office meets one-­on-­one with and guides Dual M.S. students through every stage of the job-­hunting process to assist them in finding jobs and internships that make the best use of their skills and interests. In the spring, Columbia hosts the Career Expo, the biggest journalism job fair in the United States. With 130 companies and more than 230 recruiters attending in 2020, the Expo is open exclusively to graduating Columbia Journalism School students. Editors, producers, reporters and hiring managers come from all over the country and world to interview, mentor and hire our students.  Please click here to learn about Career Development and click here to see where recent Columbia graduates have landed.

Is scholarship aid available to Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science students? 

Yes. We encourage all applicants to submit a Columbia Graduate School of Journalism Scholarship Aid application, which will become available in December 2021. Columbia awards about $5 million annually in scholarship for master’s-level students.  Many scholarships, including the Annual Fund, to which alumni contribute over $1 million annually, are open to all students who apply for and qualify for scholarship funding. Please click here to learn more about scholarships and financial aid opportunities.  You can learn more here about median scholarship awards for our academic programs.

How do you apply to the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science, and what is the application deadline for the 2022-23 entering class? 

The application, administered by Columbia Journalism School, is now open and can be started here ; the application deadline for the Dual M.S. in Journalism and Computer Science for the 2023-24 year is January 15, 2023. Please click here to learn more about the application requirements. 

If you have further questions, please contact us at